
AGM 竞选

中文系同学会从创立之初就矢志服务中文系的师生们以及为各位对中华文化有热忱的所有同学提供互相交流、联谊和学习的平台。这些年来,同学会所举办过包括教师节庆祝会、中秋节庆祝会、年度市集(Bazaar)、书展、中文系迎新营以及其他的活动。因此,在来临一年一度的会员大会,中文系同学会开放了几项执委位置供有志加入执委行列的同学们前来竞选。请同学们下载附件以便进一步了解可供竞选的执委位置以及报名表格。请把填妥的报名表格和照片电邮到 nus.chinese.studies@gmail.com。竞选的报名截止日期为 15/3/2012 (星期四)的中午12时。请大家踊跃报名,谢谢。
供选职位:1 主席  2 副主席 3 秘书  4 副秘书 5 财政  6 文化  

1.竞选者必须来自文学院 (FASS)。
2.竞选者不可在来临的一年(AY2012/2013)进行海外交流计划 (SEP).
Dear fellow students from FASS,
The Chinese Studies Students' Society (NUSCSSS) has always been giving its best to serve the Chinese Studies community and also students with passion in Chinese culture. For these years, we have organized various activities to cater students and teachers with different interests. In order to serve the Chinese Studies community better, NUSCSSS is recruiting Management Committee members (MCs) for its coming AGM. For those who are interested, please refer to the attachments and send it to nus.chinese.studies@gmail.com by 15/3/2012 (Thursday) 12 noon. Thank you.
Please be noted that NUSCSSS will recommend ALL its management committee for hostel application. 
*In order to become management committee, you must:
1.Be from FASS (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences).
2.Not going for SEP for AY2012/2013.
NUS Chinese Studies Students' Society (NUSCSSS)
application form
